Two separate recall petitions filed in August on four City of Sulphur councilmen were among the top stories locally in 2023.
The first petition was filed on August 28 on Darrell Cole (Ward 3), Ryan Peters (Ward 4), Dan Gordon (Ward 5) and second petition was filed three days later on Alan McKay (Ward 1).
None of the petitions were successful in unseating any of the men. In September, District Court Judge Wallace Coppedge tossed out the petition naming Cole, Peters and Gordon, citing a technicality in the omission of disclaimer wording and the same judge let stand the second petition on McKay, agreeing with arguments made by City Attorney Lee Wesberry that the petition was not challenged within the 10-day time limit.
McKay was then forced into a recall election on Tuesday, Nov. 14, in which city voters rejected attempts to unseat him by a margin of 56.01%. McKay won approval with 205 No votes to 161 Yes votes.
PETITION 1: Sought Recall Of Above Three Sulphur City Councilmen
Sought Recall Of Above Councilman