The Murray County Commissioners gave approval Monday to proceed with advertising for bids for the renovation of the historic courthouse.
Members and elected officials have been working with architects for months on the plans for the remodel.
Plans are to advertise for bids in November with bid opening tentatively set for December 5.
Offices in the original courthouse include the Court Clerk, Assistant District Attorney, Associate District Judge and the Murray County Emergency Management. All other officers are housed in the Courthouse Annex Building, located to the west of the courthouse.
Funds for renovation will be provided from ARPA Funds and the Courthouse Renovation Fund.
The courthouse building was built in approximately 1923.
Commissioners discussed re-locating the offices in the courthouse during the construction period but no finals plans were reached.
Commissioners approved the low bid for access control for the Sheriff’s Office. True Technologies was the successful bidder with a price of $22,349.85, of which a portion will be paid with grant funds.
Members also approved the 24-25 Contract with the OSU Extension Office.
District 1 Commissioner Kent McKinley told members the final walk through on the Reactor & Drake Road Bridge Project will be held on Tuesday.
In public comments, Election Board Secretary Rhonda Summers reporting 2,140 people voted in the four days of early voting last week. Summers stated the county currently has 8,757 registered voters. Summer said the total is 323 more than early voting in 2020.
The agenda item for a county burn ban was not discussed due to the rain the past several days.
All three members were present at the meeting.