The 27th annual Avenue of Angels Remembrance Ceremony will be held on Sunday, December 1 at 7:00 p.m. in the lobby of the Arbuckle Memorial Hospital prior to the lighting of the angels.
For the past 27 years on the Sunday after Thanksgiving, the Avenue of Angels Display has paid tribute to many of our loved ones who have gone on before us.
The event began in 1997 by the Sulphur Chamber of Commerce Christmas Committee. In recent years, the project has been adopted by the members of the First Free Will Baptist Church.
The display was originally featured in the Portman Park, but in 2013 it was moved to the front lawn of the new Arbuckle Memorial Hospital.
The first year, 15 angels were purchased to begin the long running memorial. This year more than 275 names will be read at the ceremony by Casey and Mendy Young.
Th ceremony will feature special music by the Sulphur Singers from Sulphur High School as well as the SASO Choir.
The evening message will be presented by Dawson Muck.
Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend this moving ceremony, you will be blessed.
Angels in memory of lost loved ones can be purchased anytime through out the year. Cost is $50.00 per angel.Aplaque with the loved ones name will be placed on the name plaque that is displayed at the site.
To purchase an angel contact Kathy John at 622-2102, Liz McClure at 618-0632 or the First Free Will Baptist Church. The angel event is self funded by the purchase of angels. The money is used for upkeep of the angels and lights and for purchasing additional angels. Donations are also appreciated.