The weather was a perfect winter day for the 2nd annual Wreaths Across America ceremony held Saturday, Dec. 14 at the Oaklawn cemetery.
On December14, over 4,000 cemeteries scattered across every state in the union laid over 2.7 wreaths on the resting places of American veterans. The wreaths are part of a national program known as Wreaths Across America where evergreen wreaths are placed to remember the fallen, honor those who serve and to teach the next generation the value of freedom.
The Oaklawn Cemetery program is a joint effort with the Murray County OHCE (Oklahoma Home & Community Education) groups and the Sulphur American Legion post. The OHCE groups have been raising funds this past 11 months to purchase wreaths and will continue the efforts in 2025.Anyone wishing to volunteer with next year’s program is encouraged to contact Debbie Sharp with the OSU Extension Service, 622-3016 or Teo Hair, OHCE President, 918-775-6310.
Presenting the wreath for each individual branch of service was Henry Thompson, U.S. Army, Bob Glover presented the Air Force wreath, Jamie Elmore carried the Coast Guard wreath while Denny Mallard represented the U.S. Marines.
The US Space Force wreath was carried by Shawn Sharber, who was assisted by Cub Scout Dakota McKain and Jeff Garner placed the wreath to honor the 93,129 U.S. service men and women whose last known status was either Prisoner of War or Missing in Action.
Assisting those carrying the wreaths were Murray County 4-H members, Dannah Buhrmester, Kiliana Johnson, Juliana Johnson, Kole DeArman, LaKota McKain, Palin Lacy and Andi-Kate Zevely.