Murray County residents will soon see major renovations taking place at the historic Murray County Courthouse.
Murray County Commissioners approved a bid of $1,956,718.00 on Monday to completely renovate the building. Bids for the project were opened last Thursday by the board.
The building currently houses the offices of the Court Clerk, Associate District Judge, Assistant District Attorney and the Murray County Emergency Manager.
During the renovation period the Court Clerk and the Associate District Judge will be relocated to the Arbuckle Professional Building located at 921 West 11th and the Assistant District Attorney will be located in the Jack Building at 812 West 11th. The offices will be re-locating in the near future.
Board members approved a lease contract between Arbuckle Professional Building LLC and the county at the weekly meeting on Monday.
During the re-location, county officials will use the City of Sulphur Courtroom for court cases.
Cost of the renovations will be paid with ARPA Funds with no cost to county residents.