Upholding Our Constitutional Obligation
Funding the federal government is our constitutional obligation – and today the House of Representatives will vote on upholding this duty. The continuing resolution (CR) that will be on the Floor today will fund the government for a full fiscal year and allow us to avoid a government shutdown.
As Chairman of the Appropriations Committee, I do not believe a CR is ideal. I, of course, will always fight to pass twelve regular order appropriations bills. However, the alternative – a government shutdown – is never the answer, as it would not only cause harmful disruptions to the priorities the American people voted for and mandated in Washington, but also hurt resources for veterans, military families, child nutrition programs, border security, civilian workers, and so much more.
On the contrary, this continuing resolution ensures the federal government remains open and working for the American people. It maintains critical services for Oklahomans and all Americans. It provides the largest pay raise for our selfless junior enlisted servicemembers since President Reagan and upholds our responsibilities to our nation’s veterans. It increases funding for air traffic control priorities, as well as supports firefighters and law enforcement officers who work so heroically to protect our communities. It fully funds the program that provides important nutrition assistance to mothers, infants, and children. It is a simple, straightforward, clean bill, as it includes no poison pills or unrelated riders.
Despite Democrat fearmongering, there are no changes to the important trifecta of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid in this funding bill. In fact, it is quite the opposite. This CR protects these entitlement programs, as it will prevent the disruption and confusion that a government shutdown would cause these programs.
Therefore, today, I encourage all my House Republican colleagues to stand as a unified front and vote in favor of supporting the nation, the troops, and the will of the American people. While the Democrats throw a temper tantrum and vote to shut down the government solely out of spite for the leader of the free world, House Republicans must vote for commonsense and keep the government open and operating.