School Collections Up Over $300,000 More Than Last Year
The City of Sulphur made into the Oklahoma weather record books in July when a deluge dumped 5.96 inches of rain in a single day, making it the highest total for a state city in a calendar day in 2023. The information is courtesy of the National Weather Service in Norman, which forecasts for the western two-thirds of Oklahoma and a portion of western north Texas.
Two separate recall petitions filed in August on four City of Sulphur councilmen were among the top stories locally in 2023.
Review Of The Final Six Months Of An Ever-Changing Year In Sulphur
Monday, December 18
Sulphur Native Among 730 To Be Feted With Honor Since 1927
Coronation Ceremonies Held
An Overview Of The Events That Shaped Our Lives
Valhally Axes Sports Bar officially opened their doors on Friday, Dec. 15. The firm is located at 500 West Muskogee Street in downtown Sulphur. They are opened Thursday-Saturday, 6:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m.
The Alpha Gymnastics USAG Team out of Ardmore, had a great weekend of gymnastics at the Elfie Invitational Norman, on December 16-17, 2023.
OKLAHOMACITY(Dec. 14, 2023) - More than 900 Oklahomans attended a series of Open Meetings and Open Records seminars presented this fall by the OklahomaAttorney General’s Office and the Oklahoma Press Association in different regions of the state.
In a 3-2 vote, Sulphur City Council approved re-hiring Sulphur City Attorney Les Wesberry. The action came at a special meeting Monday evening.
Sulphur Times Democrat
Temperature: 49°F Town: Sulphur
Pressure: 1029 hPa Wind: 7 mph